
Tuesday 6 March 2012

garlic and thyme fried chicken

At the outset..this is NOT strictly African style, although the flavours are. This I cooked when the cupboard was bare this last weekend, and I tried really hard to make something nice out of very little.

One chicken jointed.
3 large segments of garlic finely chopped.
teaspoon of chopped thyme. Fresh is best but I only had dried.
2 heap teaspoon paprika.
teaspoon black pepper.
2 eggs beaten.
Flour to coat or plain breadcrumbs.(I normally use plain breadcrumbs)

Method toss the chicken well in the egg mixture along with all the spices. This way the spices get to stick on the chicken pieces.  Then I put all the pieces into a bag of flour and gently roll it around to thouroughly coat them. Let the flour set for 30 minutes then begin frying the pieces a few at a time in medium hot oil until both sides are browned. They will NOT be properly cooked yet. I do this by putting the pieces into a medium oven for another 30 minutes. I also fried some butternut slices and also finished them in the oven at the same time. If it ends up looking like this (photo by Chris Chee) below you have probably got it right!

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